“At least there is a pillow in here.” He said to himself before realizing that the pillow was moving and probably about eight feet tall.

The bear was not happy about his disturbed slumber or the intruder’s unlawful trespass. The sex tapus made for the door but was pinned down again by his tentacle. He tugged with all his might, struggling to escape the will of the bear. With a snap from his tenticle he was free, off for the exit with pain shooting behind him like the fire trail from a rocket. The rough ground hurt as his tender extremities slapped upon the pavement. Where there were once tentacles now only a twinge.

The sextapus stumbled and rolled down a hill paved with pointed rocks only to have his fall stopped by a large fuzzy object.

“At least there is a pillow in here.” He said to himself before realizing that the pillow was moving and probably about eight feet tall.

The bear was not happy about his disturbed slumber or the intruder’s unlawful trespass. The sex tapus made for the door but was pinned down again by his tentacle. He tugged with all his might, struggling to escape the will of the bear. With a snap from his tenticle he was free, off for the exit with pain shooting behind him like the fire trail from a rocket. The rough ground hurt as his tender extremities slapped upon the pavement. Where there were once tentacles now only a twinge.

The sextapus stumbled and rolled down a hill paved with pointed rocks only to have his fall stopped by a large fuzzy object. “At least there is a pillow in here.” He said to himself before realizing that the pillow was moving and probably about eight feet tall.

The bear was not happy about his disturbed slumber or the intruder’s unlawful trespass. The sex tapus made for the door but was pinned down again by his tentacle. He tugged with all his might, struggling to escape the will of the bear. With a snap from his tenticle he was free, off for the exit with pain shooting behind him like the fire trail from a rocket. The rough ground hurt as his tender extremities slapped upon the pavement. Where there were once tentacles now only a twinge.

date: 2008
medium: water color, color pencil